Deforestation Essay

Deforestation is the permanent clearing of the forests for people to get free land for use such as farming, housing, industrialization, urbanization, etc.

In this article Essay on Deforestation, we had provided the essays in different word limits, which you can use as per your need:

Short Essay on Deforestation 100 words:

Deforestation is the removal of forests on a large scale by cutting plants or burning forests to meet private-scale needs.

Forests are of great importance for the management of the natural balance in the environment along with the entire human fraternity.

However, trees are regularly trimmed without seeing its ill effects on human society and the environment.

They provide useful items such as timber, fuelwood, rubber, cellulose, gum, useful herbs, etc., but they keep the climate balanced, preserve wildlife and avoid soil erosion.

However, trees are regularly trimmed without seeing its ill effects on human society and the environment.

When the deforestation started due to an increase in the use of wood in various commercial purpose, the area of forests started decreasing continuously.

Essay on Deforestation

Essay on Deforestation 300 words:

Reduction in the area of forests and unpredictable harvesting is called forest destruction or deforestation.

In other words, the main reason for the imbalance of the environment or its level of degradation.

In the race for civilization, blinded human deforestation is not only harming himself but also making his future dark.

There was a time when there was an expansion of excessive forests on Earth.

This is the story of the primitive state when the man himself used to live a nomadic life in the forests and fulfilled the need for food, shelter and clothes from the forests itself.

After that, pastoralism started and then he moved towards agriculture.

With the development of agriculture, the process of deforestation started, because the agricultural land was obtained by clearing the forests.

Initially, it was limited i.e. agricultural expansion was limited and there was a balance due to adequate forest cover.

As agriculture continued to expand, the use of wood and deforestation began to increase, industrialization, urbanization developed and expanded.

Deforestation began at the commercial level, by the end of the twentieth century it was it has reached the situation that the whole world is beset by the problem of deforestation and its impact on the environment.

There was a time when 70 per cent of the terrestrial part of the earth i.e. 12 billion, 80 crores hectares were forested, which today is about 16 per cent i.e. 2 billion hectares and it is also continuously decreasing.

Currently, there is a crisis on the tropical forests due to which the environmentalists of the world are worried. Also, Deforestation Essay 600 words.

The harvesting of tropical forests in 1980 was estimated at 1.14 crores hectares, which is currently about 2.04 crores per year.

In many countries like Brazil, Cameroon, Costa Rica, India, Indonesia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam etc. its rate is high.

Till now about 32 to 35 per cent of the tropical forests have been destroyed, while about 24 per cent of the savanna’s deciduous forests occurred.

The main reason for the destruction of these forests is the increasing demand for timber and commercialization in the world, they are also being destroyed for agricultural land.

Other causes of forest destruction are uncontrolled pastoralism, drought, floods and forest fires.

Since the 1997 forest fire in Indonesia has burned thousands of hectares of forest, and it has been 6 to 8 months since the fire started, it can be estimated its destruction and environmental pollution.

The countries of the world have become aware of the measures for conservation of tropical forests after the 1970s.

In 1985, the Tropical Forest Proclamation Plan (TFAP), FAO, UNDP, the World Bank and many governments and non-governmental organizations have shown a sense of conservation of forests.

More than 60 countries of the world have prepared ‘National Forest Action Plan’ and initiated measures for forest management.


The only increase in the area of forests and conservation of existing forests can solve this problem.

For this, the world community must abandon their selfish politics and adopt a worldview.

Deforestation Essay 600 words:

Deforestation is the permanent destruction to increase the sources of life and use of forests.

Causes and consequences of deforestation:

Deforestation is the result of the human developmental journey, although sometimes natural causes or forests also destroy them, it is not as harmful as destruction by humans.

The main causes of forest destruction are:

Agricultural Area:

Certainly, most of the agricultural area that we see today in the world has been cleared by clearing the forests.

It was also necessary because food is the primary requirement of humans, but when the population increased and at present, this growth is becoming fastest, deforestation started which has become a problem till date.

Agriculture must be there, but if forests are eliminated, then agriculture will also be adversely affected.

In this agriculture the forests of an area are burnt, then the agricultural land is obtained and the same process is repeated at other places after doing agriculture there for some years.

It is estimated that there are about 40 million square kilometres in the world, 200 crores tribal settled in the area do agriculture through this method.

The loss thus experienced can be estimated from the fact that in Ivory Coast alone, 40 per cent of the forests were permanently destroyed in the ten years 1956 to 1966.

Similar cultivation is being done in India in Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, Manipur, and Arunachal Pradesh, Assam.

According to an estimate, between 1951-52 and 1987-88 deforestation was done from 29.7 lakh hectares of land for agricultural work in India.

Deforestation for Construction Works:

Increase of population, expansion of cities, and increase in the need for residential land, expansion of industries, rail lines, roads and construction of large dams on rivers are also the major reasons for deforestation, as more area needs to be met by clearing forests.

In India, forests were cut from 5.84 lakh hectares under road basin schemes between 1951-52 to 1985-86, 73,000 hectares in road construction, 14.6 lakh hectares in industries and 98.3 lakh hectares for other miscellaneous works.

In subsequent years even more forests have been destroyed, thousands of square kilometres are included in all the major dams.

The area of the river gets submerged and along with it the forests also get mixed. These dams, despite being profitable, have adverse effects on the environment.

Deforestation for wood, fuel and other uses:

Various use of wood obtained from forests has been a human tendency and with the development of civilization, this trend is becoming more and more maximum rather than less.

Humans have been using wood for fuel from the beginning.

Due to the development of other sources of energy in developed countries, their use has ended, but wood is still used as a fuel in developing countries and is the main reason for deforestation.

Similarly, wood is used for building construction, furniture, ships, rail coaches, railway lines sleepers, paper, cellulose etc.

Large quantities of commercial forest are harvested for them, commercial exploitation of tropical forests in Canada, Scandinavia, Russia and today has become the cause of the environmental crisis.

Forests are also cut for many industries such as paper, matchmaking, yarn, rubber, paint, varnish, resins, catechu, plywood, lacquer etc.

It is estimated that the world income of wood products is 216 billion rupees per year, this is certainly the main reason for deforestation. Also, Deforestation Essay 1000 words.

Deforestation for Mineral Mining:

Extensive land is excavated for minerals, as a result, forests in those areas are certain to be finished.

In most of the countries of the world where commercial mining takes place, there is a decrease in the area of forests.

The mineral states of Orissa, Pt. Bengal, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh in India are direct examples.

At the local and regional level, it also has an impact in the form of forest destruction, but due to the greater benefits from minerals, this destruction is inevitable.

In addition to the above reasons, forest destruction occurs through animal feed and also for industrial raw materials.

Landslides, avalanches, forest fires are also the cause of their destruction.

In short, it can be said that the continuous increase in the requirement of human wood products for deforestation is the root cause.

Essay on Deforestation 1000 words:


Deforestation is the removal of trees on a massive scale to meet all the needs of a growing population. Also, Deforestation Essay Conclusion.

Deforestation Problem in India:

The importance of forests in India has been recognized since ancient times.

Many trees are considered sacred and they are worshipped today, Forests are an integral part of ancient Indian culture.

Although deforestation has been common for various uses, this harvesting did not have a significant detrimental effect as the percentage of harvesting was low and was replenished by natural growth.

As the population increased as the domiciles expanded, wood became used in a variety of functions, so deforestation also increased.

It continued to occur in the middle Ages and the Mughal period, but the situation did not become disastrous, but it started exploitation in the British period.

The British started mercilessly exploiting forests, particularly the exploitation of timber which was cut and sent to Europe.

Teak forests of southern India became state property in 1855 by the British.

When the Second World War started in 1939, excessive deforestation was done by British contractors.

In the Garhwali region of the Himalayas, sleepers were cut and brought to the plains by the route of rivers, this led to commercial deforestation.

After independence, deforestation started for many development schemes, especially for large dams, railways, roadways, industries, cities etc. and for the expansion of the agricultural sector, which continues even today.

So far, over 45 lakh hectares of land has been deforested in various development works and this problem is becoming serious day by day.

In India, in the year 2009, 7, 69,512 sq. km the expansion of forests was marked on the land, which is 23.11 per cent of the total area.

India’s rapid population growth and the use of forests as traditional fuels and the need for land for development works, urbanization, etc. are the main causes of forest destruction, resulting in declining environmental levels, increasing pollution, desertification, soil, Erosion, flood etc. problems are arising.


Disadvantages of Deforestation:

Forests play a major role in controlling and regulating the ecological cycle, hence the destruction of forests makes it a major cause of environmental degradation

The resulting are not immediate but also far-reaching consequences which ultimately become a threat to human civilization. Also, Deforestation Essay FAQ.

Following are the major side effects of deforestation:

Unbalance of climate:

Forests are the controllers of climate, i.e. forests increase humidity, help in rainfall and control the temperature.

As soon as they are destroyed, the moisture in the atmosphere decreases, as a result, the amount of rainfall decreases continuously, the temperature starts to rise and the dryness expands i.e. desertification starts.

The sequence of carbon or nitrogen cycles is disrupted by forest destruction.

The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere remains constant through the process of photosynthesis by the plants, but in the last 100 years, about 24 million tons of oxygen has been exhausted in the atmosphere and 36 million tons of carbon dioxide gas has increased.

Increase in soil erosion:

Forests are the protectors of the soil, that is, the roots of trees hold the ground, which keeps it organized and erosion is controlled.

On the other hand, erosion increases due to deforestation. This problem is degraded by the continuous cutting of forests on the lower slopes of the Himalayas.

Similarly, in the absence of vegetation, desertification increases rapidly.

Increase in floods:

Forests control the water and also use adequate amounts, deforestation causes the outbreak of floods in the plains by flowing at high speed on the water slopes.

 An example of this is the outbreak of floods in the rivers of Bihar.

Drying of natural water sources and fall of groundwater level:

Due to the destruction of forests, many natural water sources are getting depleted and as a result, the groundwater level is going down.

Due to lack of rainfall and an increase in temperature and the process of stopping evaporation by trees, its side effects are increasing.

Destruction of Wildlife:

In the present world, many wildlife has become extinct due to the end of forests and the number of many species has come down drastically.

In addition to the above-mentioned effects, lack of rural areas, decrease in natural beauty, an increase of pollution, an increase of desertification, development of wastelands, problems of the housing of tribal castes, etc. are also the effects of forest destruction.

Forests operate the ecosystem and control the environment, their elimination is unbalanced which is the main cause of environmental degradation.

Management of Deforestation:

Special attention should be compensated for proper forest management to prevent damage to forests and avoid the ill effects of deforestation.

Currently, every country in the world is paying attention to forest protection.

In all countries, the administration is paying attention to protecting forests, rules are being made, policies are being set, even movements are being carried out, but the destruction of forests is still happening at a rapid speed.

 For this, certain measures can be taken under forest management, which is as follows:

The rules related to conservation of forests should be strictly followed.

  • Keeping ratio in forest cutting and plantation.
  • Stop planting trees when they are in a state of growth.
  • Pruning of branches in place of the entire tree.
  • Protecting forests by creating national parks and wildlife parks.
  • Prohibiting deforestation and providing other fuel for fuel.
  • Development of other alternative means by limiting the use of wood in furniture and other decorations.
  • Forest fire protection.
  • Encouraging social forestry.
  • Planting of fast-growing and useful trees.
  • Extension of intensive plantation program.
  • Ecologically compatible plantations.
  • Survey and categorize entire forest wealth.
  • Preparation of ‘Master Plan’ for National Forest Policy and Forest Development.
  • To convey the importance of forests and losses from their eradication to the public.

Also read: 1. Agriculture in India Essay 2. Indian Farmer Essay 3. Air Pollution Essay 4. Earthquake Essay


Deforestation is necessary to make forest conservation a mass movement.

The example of India’s Chipko movement makes it clear that only the general public and regional residents can stop deforestation.

The public has done a commendable job of bringing attention to the environment especially forest destruction.

Deforestation can only be stopped by the collective efforts of the government and the public.

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