Difference between Secretion and Excretion

Secretion is the process through which substances are created and released from a cell, gland, or organ while Excretion is the procedure used to remove carbon dioxide and urea, two metabolic waste products, from the body.

Here are some of the main differences between secretion and excretion to help you understand how both differ:

Secretion Vs Excretion:


The secretion is the process through which substances are created and released from a cell, gland, or organ.

Humans produce substances through a process called secretion, including saliva, enzymes, and hormones.

Endocrine glands release hormones, while gastric glands in the lining of the stomach release enzymes.

Hormones are released into the blood to reach the site of action. Enzymes and hormones aid and control biological processes.

Saliva offers lubrication, moisture, and defence within the cells, secretory chemicals are produced and released by the Golgi apparatus.


Excretion is the process through which metabolic wastes such as urea and carbon dioxide leave the body as compared to secretion.

By keeping the equilibrium between inorganic ions, water, and the acid-base system, excretion aids in osmotic pressure regulation.

The major purpose of excretion is therefore to maintain homeostasis in an organism’s surroundings.

Diffusive waste disposal is a method used by protozoans like Amoeba. Superior multicellular organisms, on the other hand, have excretion-specific organs.

The primary organs responsible for excreting urine in vertebrates, the kidneys also regulate body water levels. Homo sapiens have skin, lungs, and liver in order to kidneys.

Sweating from the skin excretes minor amounts of urea, water, and salts. The liver excretes cholesterol and bile.

What is Difference between Secretion and Excretion?

Secretion is defined as the flow of materials inside the body, while excretion is defined as the discharge of waste from the body. The movement of chemicals from one part of the body to another is known as secretion.

Let’s discuss the difference between them as follows:

Secretion is the transfer of substances from one area of the body to another.The excretion is the process through which living things eliminate waste.
It is an ever-changing process.Excretion is a passive process.
Saliva, enzymes, and hormones are all secreted by the body.Faecal matter, urine, perspiration, carbon dioxide, and tears are all excreted by the body.
Endocrine, salivary, digestive, and gastrointestinal glands, and also the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder, are all involved in secretion.The rectum, lungs, tear ducts, and skin are all involved in the excretion mechanism.
The body’s metabolism depends on molecules that are secreted.Waste removal from the body is primarily accomplished by excretion.
Secretion is a dynamic process as compared to excretion.The excretion procedure is passive as compared to secretion.
The body’s metabolism is affected by the molecules that are released.The expelled compounds are removed from the body because they are no longer useful to it.
Endocrine glands, digestive glands, salivary glands, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder are all involved in the secretion mechanism.The lungs, epidermis, tear ducts, and rectum is all involved in excretion.


After reading this article you learned a lot about the differences between secretion and excretion, these two methods related to the transportation of chemicals throughout the body.

The body’s glands and organs manufacture and secrete a variety of compounds that are crucial for metabolism.

Excretion is primarily engaged in the body’s removal of wastes like urea and carbon dioxide.

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