Difference between Prime and Composite Numbers

A prime numbers has exactly two elements: ‘1’ and the number itself, but a composite numbers has more than two elements, indicating that it may be divisible by at least one significant integer in addition to 1 and the number on its own.

Here are some of the main differences between them to help you understand how both differ:

Prime Numbers Vs Composite Numbers:

What are Prime Numbers?

Prime numbers are those that can have just two aspects, one of which being the number 1 and the other being the number exactly, in the range of natural numbers from one to infinity, that is, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5… Infinite].

Prime numbers are those that are divisible only by one and are themselves.

As a result, there are only two divisors.

Because a prime number has precisely two components, it can only be divided by “1” and itself.

Exception of 2, prime numbers are always odd, because even numbers are divisible by 2, which is not a property of prime numbers.

What are Composite Numbers?

Except for 1, all numbers other than prime numbers are composite numbers since they have more than two elements.

Composite and other numbers can be divided by 1.

Composite numbers are classified into two types:

  • Even composite numbers.
  • Odd composite numbers.

Based on the components, composite numbers might be even or odd.

It will be an even number if it contains at least one even number and it will be an odd number if none of its components are even.

The number 1 is an anomaly in natural numbers because it cannot be classed as a prime or a composite number.

What is Difference between Prime and Composite Numbers?

What is Difference between Prime and Composite Numbers?

A prime number has just two elements, but a composite number contains more than two factors while a composite number contains more than two elements, which indicates that it may be divided by at minimum one integer.

So, what’s the difference?  Let’s discuss the difference between prime and composite numbers and how they are similar but not the same.

Prime NumbersComposite Numbers
A prime number is defined as having exactly two components.A composite number contains more than two components.
Only “1” and itself may divide it.Reduce it by at least one integer or decimal.
1″ is not, though, a prime number‘1’ is not a composite number in our opinion.
For example, 3 is a prime number because it can only be split by two numbers: 1 and 3.
3/1 = 3
3/3 = 1
Although it may be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12, for illustration, 12 is a composite number.
As a result, the number ’12’ contains six components.
12/1 = 12
12/2 =6
12/3 =4
All prime numbers are natural numbers.Unlike prime numbers, all-composite numbers are also natural numbers.


After reading this article you learned a lot about the differences between prime and composite numbers, they are no longer able to confuse you.

Prime numbers have two component, but composite numbers might have more than two component.

The smallest prime number is 2 and smallest composite number is 2, while number one is not a prime or a composite number.

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