Difference between Fungi and Bacteria

Fungi are multicellular eukaryotic species, whereas bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic species.

DNA is the genetic substance of both bacteria and fungus.

Here are some key distinctions between fungi and bacteria to help you learn how they differ:

Fungi Vs Bacteria:

What are Bacteria?

Bacteria are prokaryotic microbes developed roughly 3.5 billion years ago.

They can be autotrophs, which means they can create their food through photosynthesis, or heterotrophs, which means they must rely on their host for nourishment.

They are characterized as spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral based on their form.

Bacteria reproduce asexually by binary fission or recombination as compared to fungi.

What are Fungi?

Eukaryotic creatures are fungi, which can be unicellular like yeasts or multicellular like hyphae.

 They emerged from protists around 900 million years ago.

 They are most commonly seen in the thread-like structure known as hypha. After they have grown, they create a thick mass called mycelium.

 They are heterotrophic organisms that obtain their nutrients from organic carbon. Hydrolytic enzymes are also secreted by them.

Fungi derive their nutrients from dead and rotting matter. They reproduce both sexually and asexually by growing branches, fragmentation, budding, and so on.

What is the Difference between Fungi and Bacteria

What is the Difference between Fungi and Bacteria?

Fungi are unicellular or multicellular microorganisms that decompose and absorb organic material from which they develop whereas Bacteria are unicellular prokaryotic bacteria having a peptidoglycan-based cell wall but no organelles or an organized nucleus.

So, what’s the difference?  Let’s discuss the difference between fungi and bacteria and how they are similar but not the same.

The cell structure is complex in Eukaryotic and Multicellular organisms.The cell structure is fairly basic in the most primitive creatures known, as tiny, unicellular, and prokaryotic.
Fungi are commonly decomposers as compared to bacteria.It can function as both producers (chemosynthetic bacteria) and decomposers (photosynthetic bacteria) (Soil bacteria).
There are cell organelles present.Organelles are missing from the cell.
There is a nucleus present.The nucleus is missing.
Chitin makes up the cell wall.Peptidoglycan makes up the cell wall.
pH 4-6 is somewhat acidic.pH value of neutral (6.5-7.0).
Hyphae are thread-like structures that vary in form.Three different forms Cocci – round; Spirella – Spiral; Bacillus – Rod
Sterols found in cell membranes Present.Sterols are found in cell membranes Except in mycoplasma, absence.
Heterotrophs eat rotting and dead stuff.Autotrophs predominate over heterotrophs.
Fungi reproduce via spores, both sexual and asexual as compared to bacteria.The asexual reproductive strategy of bacteria is binary fission.
Fungal transmission happens via spores.Bacterial transmits by touch, bodily fluids, food, drink, insects, or air.
It can cause Candidiasis, Ringworm, and other illnesses.Bacteria can cause pneumonia, tetanus, tuberculosis, cholera, food poisoning, and sore throats.
Fungi are employed in the production of beer, bread, and medications.Bacteria are used to make antibiotics and other valuable compounds.
Fungi are creatures that are stationary.Some bacteria move by using flagella.
80S ribosomes are found in fungi.70S ribosomes are found in bacteria.
Cell membrane presence.Cell membrane presence under the cell wall.


Bacteria and fungi are two forms of saprophytic microbes, fungi include unicellular eukaryotes, while bacteria seem to be unicellular prokaryotes.

The primary distinction between bacteria and fungus is the arrangement of their cells.

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