Difference between Bacteria and Virus

Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms while Virus are extremely small organisms with RNA or DNA as their genetic material.

Bacteria are everywhere. Even the most extreme environments, such as hot springs, the deep ocean, snow, and even volcanoes, are no match for them. Pathogens are germs that cause illness.

Viruses are smaller than other bacteria. Due to their inability to exist without a host, viruses are not completely recognized as living entities.

Here are some of the main differences between bacteria and viruses to help you understand how both differ as follows:

Bacteria Vs Virus:


The bacteria are unicellular organisms, however, some, such as myxobacteria, have multicellular reproductive systems.

They lack organelles that are attached to membranes and the absence of the nucleus leaves the genetic material scattered across the nucleoid.

The ribosomes found in bacterial cells are where proteins are put together.

The ecology is largely dependent on bacteria. Both the medical and agricultural sectors make extensive use of them.


Virus lack cytoplasm and cellular organelles than Bacteria.

Metabolic functions are not carried out by them.

Most of the viruses contain either RNA or DNA, but not both.

Though only in the cells of living hosts, viruses replicate extremely quickly. The majority of viruses can also change their genetic makeup.

They utilize the metabolic apparatus of the host cells. The virus is unable to multiply. They create and put together fresh viral parts inside the infected host cell.

What is Difference between Bacteria and Virus?

Bacteria are free-living cells that may exist within or outside of the body, while viruses are lifeless chemicals that require a host to thrive.

Let’s discuss the difference between bacteria and viruses as follows:

Bacteria are enormous. The wavelength extends from 900 to 1000nm.Virus are much smaller than bacteria. The dimensions range from 30 to 50nm.
They are living things.They can only reproduce in the host cell.
The cytoplasm contains free-floating DNA and RNA.RNA or DNA is covered in a protein covering.
Bacteria is capable of self-replication.Reproduction requires a living cell.
A bacterial infection frequently lasts longer than 10 days.The majority of viral infections last 2 to 10 days.
Fever is a common symptom of bacterial infections.Fever may or may not be brought on by a viral infection.
Certain microorganisms are helpful.Viral infections are harmful.
Meningitis, pneumonia, food poisoning, gastritis, ulcers, etc. are Infections and diseases.AIDS, the flu, the ordinary cold, chicken pox, etc are Infections and diseases.
For example, Vibrio cholera and Staphylococcus aureus.Viruses like the rhinovirus, hepatitis A, and HIV.


After reading this article you learned a lot about the differences between them, they are no longer able to confuse you.

Virus and bacteria both are too small to be seen without a microscope whereas, the majority of diseases are caused by bacteria and viruses.

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