Difference between Food Chain and Food Web

Difference between Food Chain and Food Web

A food chain is the arrangement of creatures that each member of an ecosystem uses to obtain food and energy while the food web describes a network of interconnected food chains. Here are some of the main …

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Difference between Frog and Toad

Difference between Frog and Toad

Frog skin hangs freely on their bodies, and skin texture differs from animal to species, however, most frogs have moist and smooth skin while toad have dry, rough, and occasionally warty skin, a shorter body, and legs …

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Difference between Bacteria and Virus

Difference between Bacteria and Virus

Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms while Virus are extremely small organisms with RNA or DNA as their genetic material. Bacteria are everywhere. Even the most extreme environments, such as hot springs, the deep ocean, snow, and even volcanoes, …

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Difference between Catabolism and Metabolism

Difference between Catabolism and Metabolism

Catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules into smaller, simpler molecules for the purpose of generating energy while metabolism plays a role in everything, from maintaining a healthy weight to preventing diseases.  Here are some of the …

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