Disaster Management Essay

In this essay on disaster management, we will learn how to manage disaster.

A disaster is an excessive interruption in the functioning of a habitat that causes extensive human, material, or environmental damage that is possible by the affected population’s ability to manage with its own resources.

Some examples of disasters are landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, cyclones, droughts, floods, etc.

Disaster management is the discipline by which humans continuously attempt to reduce the losses from disasters.

Essay on Disaster Management 150 words:

Disaster management is the self-discipline by which humans constantly attempt to reduce the harm caused by disasters.

The direct or indirect results of natural or man-made disasters are extensive damage, destruction and loss of life.

India has established several departments and organizations such as the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), but still not achieved satisfactory progress regarding timely management of disasters.

This can be done by increasing adequate awareness of ways to deal with disasters and greater coordination between the central and state agencies.

Essay on Disaster Management in India 200 words:

A disaster is an accidental occurrence that severely disturbs the functioning of a community or society causes human, material, and environmental damage that exceeds the community or society’s ability to use its own resources.

Disaster management is a well-planned technique for reducing the hazards caused by disasters, however, it does not avoid or eliminate hazards, and it focuses on planning to minimize the impact of disasters.

In India, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has been established to coordinate responses to natural or man-made disasters throughout the nation.

The NDMA undertakes various programs for mitigation and accountability for particular conditions.

These include the National Cyclone Risk Management Project, School Safety Project, Decision Support System, etc.

But due to the shortages created by the outbreak of recent disasters in the country, NDMA needs to make more organized and effective efforts to reduce the insufficiency need due to disasters.

In fact, society as a whole should strive to cooperate with central and state agencies with a collective response to deal with disasters.

Disaster management essay

Essay on Disaster Management in India 250 words:

Disaster is a calamitous situation through which the traditional pattern of life or ecosystem is disturbed and extraordinary emergency, interference is required to save and protect life or the environment.

India is one of the most disaster-prone areas in the world due to its irregular geographical features as well as poor social situations.

In which communities live which exposes to fixed destruction attributable to threats, in India, the major threats are earthquakes, landslides, droughts, cyclones, floods, forest fires, fire accidents and many others.

The rapid increase in the inhabitant’s rate has actually boosted the level of disasters.

Natural disasters can be mitigated however man-made disasters might be prevented to a certain extent.

India has taken many steps to reduce and avoid the hazards of disasters.

In India, the role of emergency management falls under the jurisdiction of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) of India, which is doing a great job in reducing the hazardous effects of the disaster and working for the dispersed community from a government-centric approach.

But more sustained efforts are needed to come up with a thoughtful strategy and response to mitigate the widespread damage caused by the tsunamis and floods in Uttarakhand in recent times.

We have not been capable of pedestal sufficient rescue and rehabilitation efforts to deal with the state of affairs effectively.

Essay on Disaster Management 300 words:

A disaster is a critical disruption within the functioning of a community and society within the form of a collapse of the wider community, materials or environmental injury that exceeds the ability of the affected inhabitants to handle with its personal resources.

In fact, there is no country that is immune to disasters, which can be classified as follows:

Types of Disasters:

There are two major types of disasters:

Natural Disasters:

Natural disasters are disasters caused by natural causes that cannot be controlled by humans including floods, storms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that have an immediate impact on human life.

Man-made Disasters: 

Man-made disasters are also known as complex disasters that are caused by major accidents such as fires, looting and attacks including conflict situations and war.

Disaster management is a continuous phenomenon of reducing the impact of disasters & demands for collective and coordinated efforts.

There is a need to undertake many activities in the disaster, including coordination, command and control, rapid assessment of damage, restoration of power, telecommunication and surface transport, positioning of search and rescue teams, medical and para-medical teams, provision of drinking water and food supplies.

Identification of temporary shelters, sanitation and hygiene and the establishment of resources, maintenance of law and order is equally important.

The most susceptible among these disasters are the poor therefore it is necessary to take them towards preparedness for any emergency.

A quick and appropriate response is the essence of providing immediate relief and rescue work to save human life and reduce suffering as quickly as possible.


Disaster management has gained a lot of importance in recent times.

To handle any unexpected situation efficiently, we must be well prepared with the latest technologies, it cannot prevent the outbreak of the disaster but can reduce its impact to a great extent.

essay on Disaster management

Essay on Disaster Management 400 words:

God has created everything including land, water, and air; there are many appearances of nature: calm and disinclined.

Sometimes, it is gentle, sometimes it is cruel; whenever it turns into its evil nature, and it can bring damage known as disaster.

A disastrous situation in which normal patterns of life and ecosystems go impulsive and require extraordinary emergency interference to save and preserve life or the environment can be called a disaster.

Natural disasters are an expression of nature and they can happen anytime, anywhere.

Classification of Disasters:

Natural Disasters:

A natural hazard is a natural process that may cause life, harm or other health effects, property harm, loss of livelihoods and services, social and financial disruption or environmental harm.

Several disasters like earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, blizzards, tsunamis and cyclones are all-natural disasters.

Artificial Disasters:

Human-caused disasters are the results of technological hazards include fires, transport accidents, oil spills and nuclear explosions/radiation.

War and terrorist attacks may also below this category.

Disasters in India:

Properly, there is no nation that’s fully free from disasters, wherein India, due to its geographical areas and geological formations, is an extremely disaster-prone nation.

Also, undertaken many disasters ranging from floods, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis, droughts, landslides.

Some of the recent disasters in India include floods in Uttarakhand, cyclone “Wardah” in Chennai, recurring earthquakes in north India, Chama earthquake in Gujarat, a super cyclone in Odisha in 1999, earthquake in Gujarat in 2001, the tsunami in 2004 and Mumbai – Included 2005 floods in Gujarat.

In addition, India suffered a technology-related disaster in 1984 in the form of a gas tragedy in Bhopal, also faced epidemic problems in Gujarat.

In India, there are many opportunities, funds and organizations working to mitigate the effects of disasters like National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), National Remote Sensing Center (NRSC), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), and Central Water Commission.

Sometimes, lack of coordination between the central and state government as well as lack of proper resources; related forums, organizations are unable to provide appropriate rehabilitation.




To handle the situation efficiently, we must be well-armed with the latest technologies.

Disaster management cannot moderate the situation but may reduce its impact to reduce the suffering of humans, plants and animals.

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