Difference between Erosion and Weathering

Erosion and weathering are the processes in which the disintegration of rocks into fine particles.

Erosion is a geological process in which soil substances are decomposed and removed by natural factors such as wind and water.

The disintegration or dissolving of rocks and minerals on the earth’s surface is known as weathering.

Here are some of the main differences between erosion and weathering to help you understand how both differ:

Erosion Vs Weathering:

What is Erosion?

Erosion is the process of removing surface material from the earth’s crust, primarily the removal of debris from the site of removal by soil and rock debris and natural forces.

The most common causes are liquid water, wind, or ice.

Types of Erosion:

Bio-erosion: Plant growth breaks down and changes the soil or rock.

Ice or glacier erosion: When gravitational pull glaciers and sediments away in erosion as compare to weathering.

Liquid water erosion: Rain and waterbodies carry or wash away debris.

Wind erosion: Silt is carried away by the wind.

What is Weathering?

The breakdown or deterioration of rocks and minerals on the earth’s surface is known as weathering.

Weathering factors include water, ice, acids, salts, plants, animals, and temperature fluctuations.

Types of Weathering:

Mechanical or physical weathering: Rocks collapse.

Chemical weathering: Affects the molecular structure of rocks and soils.

What is the difference between Erosion and Weathering?

what is the difference between erosion and weathering

Weathering damages the rocks without exposing them, whereas erosion is the process by which rock particles are carried away by wind and water, they combine to damage the soil and destroy mountain and coastal areas.

So, what’s the difference between erosion and weathering?  Let’s discuss in detail:

Erosion occurs in a place other than the originating.Weathering occurs at a rock or mineral’s place.
It involves material movement.It does not involve physical movement.
Rocks and minerals are transferred and deposited.They break rocks and minerals.
It occurs over a longer length of time.Weathering occurs in a shorter period as compared to erosion.
Displacement of degraded materials.Degraded materials are not displaced.
Water, wind, ice, thermal, and gravity erosion are examples of different forms of erosion.Physical, chemical, and biological weathering are all types of weathering.
Erosion is caused by wind, water, ice, and human activity.Weathering is caused by atmospheric factors such as acid rains, air pressure, and air.

Also read: Difference between Acid and Base


You learned a lot about the difference between weathering and erosion by reading this article.

They are two different phenomena that separate and move rocks away from their original location.

Weatherings destroy a rock without causing it to move, whereas erosion moves rocks and soil away from their original locations.

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